Bio-One of Eugene decontamination and biohazard cleaning services

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Alejandro Flores Sahrur 239-464-2231
Gabe and Rebecca Montenegro 850-855-6349
Ginger and Jamie Akemon 904-552-3730
" d="M 755.39728,445.50676 L 757.66294,452.82536 L 761.39264,462.56762 L 766.72743,471.94392 L 770.44562,478.24868 L 775.29544,483.74514 L 779.33695,487.46333 L 780.95355,490.37322 L 779.82193,491.6665 L 779.01363,492.95978 L 781.92351,500.39617 L 784.8334,503.30605 L 787.41997,508.64085 L 790.9765,514.46063 L 795.50299,522.70531 L 796.79628,530.30335 L 797.28126,542.26623 L 797.9279,544.04449 L 797.60458,547.43936 L 795.17967,548.73265 L 795.50299,550.67257 L 794.85635,552.6125 L 795.17967,555.0374 L 795.66465,556.97733 L 792.91643,560.21054 L 789.84488,561.66548 L 785.96503,561.82714 L 784.51008,563.44375 L 782.08518,564.41371 L 780.79189,563.92873 L 779.66027,562.95877 L 779.33695,560.04888 L 778.52864,556.65401 L 775.13377,551.48087 L 771.57724,549.21763 L 767.69739,548.89431 L 766.88909,550.18759 L 763.81754,545.82276 L 763.1709,542.26623 L 760.58433,538.22472 L 758.80607,537.09309 L 757.18946,539.19468 L 755.4112,538.87136 L 753.30961,533.85988 L 750.39972,529.98003 L 747.48983,524.64524 L 744.90327,521.57369 L 741.34674,517.8555 L 743.44832,515.43059 L 746.68153,509.93413 L 746.51987,508.31753 L 741.99338,507.34757 L 740.37677,507.99421 L 740.7001,508.64085 L 743.28666,509.61081 L 741.83172,514.13731 L 741.02342,514.62229 L 739.24515,510.58078 L 737.95187,505.73096 L 737.62855,502.98273 L 739.08349,498.29458 L 739.08349,488.75661 L 736.01194,485.03842 L 734.71866,481.96687 L 729.54552,480.67359 L 727.6056,480.02695 L 725.98899,477.44038 L 722.59412,475.82377 L 721.4625,472.4289 L 718.71427,471.45894 L 716.28936,467.74075 L 712.08619,466.28581 L 709.1763,464.83086 L 706.58974,464.83086 L 702.54822,465.63917 L 702.38656,467.57909 L 703.19487,468.54905 L 702.70988,469.68068 L 699.63834,469.51902 L 695.92015,473.07555 L 692.36361,475.01547 L 688.48376,475.01547 L 685.25055,476.30876 L 684.92723,473.56053 L 683.31063,471.6206 L 680.40074,470.48898 L 678.78414,469.03403 L 670.70111,465.15418 L 663.10307,463.37592 L 658.73824,464.02256 L 652.7568,464.50754 L 646.77536,466.60913 L 643.29612,467.22209 L 643.0582,459.17234 L 640.47163,457.23242 L 638.69336,455.45415 L 639.01668,452.38259 L 649.2013,451.08931 L 674.7437,448.17942 L 681.53345,447.53278 L 686.96945,447.81305 L 689.55602,451.69291 L 691.01096,453.14785 L 699.10912,453.66307 L 709.92887,453.01643 L 731.44126,451.72314 L 736.88698,451.04877 L 741.46423,451.0765 L 741.62589,453.98639 L 745.44989,454.79469 L 745.77321,449.98792 L 744.15661,445.46141 L 745.11145,444.72869 L 750.22414,445.18344 L 755.39728,445.50676 z M 767.94269,577.91184 L 770.36761,577.2652 L 771.66089,577.02271 L 773.11585,574.67862 L 775.45993,573.06201 L 776.75322,573.547 L 778.45066,573.87032 L 778.85481,574.92111 L 775.37911,576.13357 L 771.17591,577.58852 L 768.83183,578.80098 L 767.94269,577.91184 z M 781.44139,572.90035 L 782.65385,573.95115 L 785.40209,571.84956 L 790.7369,567.64637 L 794.4551,563.7665 L 796.96085,557.1384 L 797.93082,555.44096 L 798.09248,552.04608 L 797.365,552.53106 L 796.39504,555.36013 L 794.94008,559.96746 L 791.70686,565.22146 L 787.34202,569.42464 L 783.94714,571.36457 L 781.44139,572.90035 z " />
Dan and Hope Paffe 843-800-5453
Kris Elliott 803-669-7089
" d="M 761.23097,412.93785 L 759.45391,413.90735 L 756.86734,412.61406 L 756.2207,410.51247 L 754.92742,406.95594 L 752.66416,404.85434 L 750.07759,404.2077 L 748.46099,399.35789 L 745.71275,393.37644 L 741.50958,391.4365 L 739.40798,389.49658 L 738.1147,386.91001 L 736.01311,384.97007 L 733.74986,383.67679 L 731.48661,380.7669 L 728.41506,378.50366 L 723.88855,376.72538 L 723.40357,375.27044 L 720.97867,372.36055 L 720.49368,370.90559 L 717.0988,365.73246 L 713.70393,365.89412 L 709.66241,363.4692 L 708.36913,362.17592 L 708.04581,360.39765 L 708.85411,358.45773 L 711.11736,357.48775 L 710.79404,355.38617 L 716.93714,352.7996 L 725.99014,348.2731 L 733.26487,347.46479 L 749.75427,346.97981 L 752.01752,348.91974 L 753.63412,352.15296 L 757.99897,351.66798 L 770.6085,350.21302 L 773.51839,351.02133 L 786.12793,358.61939 L 796.23601,366.74107 L 790.81484,372.19941 L 788.22827,378.34251 L 787.74329,384.64727 L 786.12669,385.45557 L 784.99506,388.2038 L 782.57016,388.85044 L 780.46857,392.40697 L 777.72034,395.1552 L 775.4571,398.55007 L 773.84049,399.35837 L 770.28396,402.75324 L 767.37407,402.9149 L 768.34404,406.14811 L 763.33256,411.64457 L 761.23097,412.93785 z " />
Lenny Jackson 706-305-5029
Michele O'Brien and Rebecca Phillips 470-556-2330
Gary and Armelle Maxey 912-755-1211
Michele O'Brien and Rebecca Phillips 470-556-2330
" d="M 689.61648,357.97274 L 684.76666,358.78105 L 676.3603,359.91267 L 667.79229,360.8018 L 667.79229,362.98422 L 667.95395,365.08582 L 668.60059,368.48069 L 671.99547,376.40206 L 674.42038,386.26337 L 675.87532,392.40648 L 677.49193,397.25629 L 678.94688,404.2077 L 681.04847,410.51247 L 683.63504,413.90735 L 684.12002,417.30222 L 686.05995,418.11052 L 686.22161,420.21212 L 684.44334,425.06193 L 683.95836,428.29515 L 683.7967,430.23508 L 685.41331,434.59992 L 685.73663,439.93472 L 684.92832,442.35963 L 685.57497,443.16794 L 687.02992,443.97624 L 687.67656,447.37111 L 690.26313,451.25097 L 691.71807,452.70591 L 699.63945,452.86757 L 710.4592,452.22093 L 731.97159,450.92765 L 737.41731,450.25328 L 741.99456,450.28101 L 742.15622,453.1909 L 744.74279,453.9992 L 745.06611,449.63436 L 743.4495,445.10786 L 744.58113,443.49126 L 750.40091,444.29956 L 755.37832,444.61734 L 754.6029,438.31855 L 756.86614,428.2956 L 758.32109,424.09242 L 757.8361,421.50586 L 761.17051,415.26156 L 760.66021,413.90988 L 758.7468,414.61446 L 756.16024,413.32116 L 755.51359,411.21957 L 754.22031,407.66304 L 751.95705,405.56145 L 749.37049,404.91481 L 747.75388,400.06499 L 744.82887,393.72999 L 740.6257,391.79006 L 738.5241,389.85013 L 737.23081,387.26356 L 735.12923,385.32363 L 732.86598,384.03034 L 730.60273,381.12045 L 727.53118,378.85721 L 723.00467,377.07893 L 722.51969,375.62399 L 720.09478,372.7141 L 719.6098,371.25915 L 716.21492,366.35117 L 712.82005,366.51284 L 708.69014,363.4692 L 707.39686,362.17592 L 707.07354,360.39765 L 707.88184,358.45773 L 710.23348,357.22259 L 709.09954,356.00037 L 709.17743,355.70949 L 703.35764,356.67945 L 696.40623,357.48775 L 689.61648,357.97274 z " />
Jake Snavely (205) 937-1708
" d="M 625.59784,466.77079 L 623.98224,451.57429 L 621.234,432.82165 L 621.39566,418.75716 L 622.20396,387.71831 L 622.0423,371.06725 L 622.20739,364.64819 L 629.96369,364.2775 L 657.76933,361.69094 L 666.69187,361.02874 L 666.54407,363.21116 L 666.70573,365.31276 L 667.35238,368.70763 L 670.74726,376.629 L 673.17216,386.49031 L 674.62711,392.63342 L 676.24371,397.48324 L 677.69867,404.43465 L 679.80025,410.73941 L 682.38682,414.1343 L 682.8718,417.52916 L 684.81174,418.33747 L 684.9734,420.43906 L 683.19512,425.28888 L 682.71014,428.5221 L 682.54848,430.46202 L 684.1651,434.82687 L 684.48842,440.16166 L 683.6801,442.58658 L 684.32676,443.39488 L 685.7817,444.20318 L 686.81695,446.73845 L 680.51218,446.73845 L 673.72243,447.3851 L 648.18003,450.29498 L 637.76847,451.70175 L 637.67209,455.45415 L 639.45036,457.23242 L 642.03693,459.17234 L 642.61779,467.10778 L 637.07573,469.68068 L 634.32751,469.35736 L 637.07573,467.41743 L 637.07573,466.44747 L 634.00419,460.46603 L 631.74094,459.81939 L 630.28599,464.18422 L 628.99271,466.93245 L 628.34607,466.77079 L 625.59784,466.77079 z " />
John and Jen Symons 704-726-5905
Nadine Black and Anthony Coleman 336-830-1336
Kenneth Conyers and Nady Conyers 704-645-0345
" d="M 832.10653,298.47179 L 833.81653,303.17039 L 837.37306,309.63681 L 839.79796,312.06172 L 840.4446,314.32497 L 838.0197,314.48663 L 838.828,315.13327 L 838.50468,319.33644 L 835.91811,320.62972 L 835.27147,322.73131 L 833.97819,325.6412 L 830.25999,327.2578 L 827.83509,326.93448 L 826.38014,326.77282 L 824.76354,325.47954 L 825.08686,326.77282 L 825.08686,327.74279 L 827.02679,327.74279 L 827.83509,329.03607 L 825.89516,335.34083 L 830.09833,335.34083 L 830.74498,336.95743 L 833.00822,334.69419 L 834.30151,334.2092 L 832.36158,337.76573 L 829.29003,342.61555 L 827.99675,342.61555 L 826.86512,342.13057 L 824.1169,342.77721 L 818.94376,345.20212 L 812.47734,350.53691 L 809.08247,355.22506 L 807.14255,361.69148 L 806.65757,364.11639 L 801.96941,364.60137 L 796.51628,365.93803 L 786.56987,357.7355 L 773.96033,350.13745 L 771.05044,349.32914 L 758.44091,350.78409 L 754.16445,351.53424 L 752.54785,348.30102 L 749.57749,346.18432 L 733.0881,346.6693 L 725.81336,347.4776 L 716.76037,352.00411 L 710.61726,354.59067 L 709.00066,354.91399 L 703.18087,355.88396 L 696.22946,356.69226 L 689.43971,357.17725 L 689.9398,353.12292 L 691.71807,351.66798 L 694.46631,351.02133 L 695.11295,347.30313 L 699.31613,344.55491 L 703.19598,343.09995 L 707.39917,339.54342 L 711.764,337.44183 L 712.41064,334.37027 L 716.2905,330.49042 L 716.93714,330.32876 C 716.93714,330.32876 716.93714,331.46039 717.74545,331.46039 C 718.55375,331.46039 719.68538,331.78371 719.68538,331.78371 L 721.94863,328.22717 L 724.05022,327.58052 L 726.31346,327.90385 L 727.93008,324.34732 L 730.83997,321.76074 L 731.32495,319.65915 L 731.32495,315.69846 L 735.85145,316.42594 L 742.98754,315.13265 L 758.80727,313.19272 L 775.94331,310.60615 L 795.86504,306.60555 L 815.59836,302.44073 L 826.9628,299.6443 L 832.10653,298.47179 z M 836.00199,331.45961 L 838.58857,328.95386 L 841.74095,326.36728 L 843.27673,325.72064 L 843.43839,323.69988 L 842.79175,317.55676 L 841.3368,315.21268 L 840.69015,313.35358 L 841.41763,313.11108 L 844.16587,318.60756 L 844.57002,323.05323 L 844.40836,326.44812 L 841.01348,327.98389 L 838.18441,330.40881 L 837.05279,331.62127 L 836.00199,331.45961 z " />
Tim Ballard 901-474-9510
Stephanie and Max Hix 615-970-1573
Michael Kishigian 423-902-9858
" d="M 697.05288,320.62911 L 645.15979,325.6406 L 629.40023,327.41886 L 624.77903,327.93157 L 620.91068,327.90385 L 620.91068,331.78371 L 612.50433,332.26869 L 605.55292,332.91533 L 594.45689,332.96824 L 594.19215,338.80367 L 592.05398,345.07921 L 591.05891,348.09522 L 589.71017,352.47628 L 589.38685,355.06285 L 585.34533,357.32609 L 586.80027,360.88263 L 585.83031,365.24747 L 584.86193,366.03712 L 592.11797,365.84281 L 616.20542,363.90289 L 621.54027,363.74122 L 629.62326,363.25623 L 657.42891,360.66967 L 667.59966,359.86136 L 676.01988,358.8914 L 684.42624,357.75978 L 689.27606,356.95147 L 689.14548,352.44207 L 690.92375,350.98713 L 693.67198,350.34049 L 694.31863,346.62229 L 698.52181,343.87406 L 702.40166,342.4191 L 706.60484,338.86257 L 710.96967,336.76099 L 711.84326,333.23553 L 716.17702,329.35568 L 716.82367,329.19402 C 716.82367,329.19402 716.82367,330.32564 717.63197,330.32564 C 718.44027,330.32564 719.5719,330.64896 719.5719,330.64896 L 721.83515,327.09242 L 723.93674,326.44578 L 726.19998,326.7691 L 727.8166,323.21257 L 729.93216,320.96641 L 730.53062,319.99957 L 730.70699,316.06745 L 729.22336,315.77929 L 726.79845,317.71923 L 718.87707,317.88089 L 706.88174,319.78157 L 697.05288,320.62911 z " />
Zachary Mattera 401-271-1404
" d="M 874.07001,179.82344 L 873.58706,175.61904 L 872.77876,171.2542 L 871.08133,165.35359 L 876.82028,163.81781 L 878.43688,164.94943 L 881.83176,169.31427 L 884.74063,173.76056 L 881.82968,175.29696 L 880.5364,175.1353 L 879.40478,176.91357 L 876.97987,178.85349 L 874.07001,179.82344 z " />
Matthew Hill 203-577-8242
" d="M 873.19331,180.05038 L 872.56579,175.84599 L 871.75749,171.48115 L 870.14088,165.4997 L 865.989,166.40438 L 844.16479,171.17336 L 844.81143,174.48742 L 846.26638,181.76216 L 846.26638,189.84519 L 845.13475,192.10845 L 846.96715,194.21757 L 851.9225,190.81637 L 855.47903,187.58316 L 857.41895,185.48157 L 858.22726,186.12821 L 860.97548,184.67327 L 866.14862,183.54165 L 873.19331,180.05038 z " />
Bruce Ballard 774-501-3464
" d="M 899.97704,173.85121 L 902.14896,173.16533 L 902.60622,171.45066 L 903.63502,171.56497 L 904.66382,173.85121 L 903.4064,174.30845 L 899.5198,174.42277 L 899.97704,173.85121 z M 890.6035,174.65139 L 892.88972,172.02222 L 894.49009,172.02222 L 896.31908,173.50827 L 893.91854,174.53707 L 891.74662,175.56587 L 890.6035,174.65139 z M 855.80437,152.6632 L 873.26374,148.46002 L 875.527,147.81338 L 877.62858,144.58017 L 881.36535,142.91686 L 884.25459,147.3297 L 881.82968,152.50284 L 881.50636,153.95778 L 883.44629,156.54435 L 884.57791,155.73605 L 886.35618,155.73605 L 888.61942,158.32261 L 892.49928,164.30405 L 896.05581,164.78903 L 898.31905,163.81907 L 900.09732,162.0408 L 899.28901,159.29258 L 897.18743,157.67597 L 895.73248,158.48427 L 894.76252,157.19099 L 895.2475,156.70601 L 897.34909,156.54435 L 899.12735,157.35265 L 901.06728,159.77756 L 902.03724,162.68745 L 902.36056,165.11235 L 898.15739,166.5673 L 894.27754,168.50722 L 890.39769,173.03372 L 888.45776,174.48866 L 888.45776,173.5187 L 890.88267,172.06375 L 891.36765,170.28549 L 890.55935,167.21394 L 887.64946,168.66888 L 886.84116,170.12383 L 887.32614,172.38707 L 885.25981,173.3875 L 882.51261,168.86037 L 879.11773,164.49553 L 877.04723,162.68306 L 870.51396,164.55926 L 865.42163,165.61005 L 843.59742,170.37904 L 843.19483,165.43441 L 843.84147,154.84564 L 849.01462,153.9565 L 855.80437,152.6632 z " />
" d="M 923.21476,77.330719 L 925.15469,79.432305 L 927.41794,83.150496 L 927.41794,85.090422 L 925.31635,89.778575 L 923.37642,90.425217 L 919.98155,93.496766 L 915.13174,98.993222 C 915.13174,98.993222 914.4851,98.993222 913.83846,98.993222 C 913.19182,98.993222 912.86849,96.891636 912.86849,96.891636 L 911.09023,97.053296 L 910.12027,98.508241 L 907.69536,99.963185 L 906.7254,101.41813 L 908.342,102.87307 L 907.85702,103.51972 L 907.37204,106.26794 L 905.43211,106.10628 L 905.43211,104.48968 L 905.10879,103.19639 L 903.65385,103.51972 L 901.87558,100.28651 L 899.774,101.57979 L 901.06728,103.03473 L 901.3906,104.16636 L 900.5823,105.45964 L 900.90562,108.53119 L 901.06728,110.14779 L 899.45068,112.73436 L 896.54079,113.21934 L 896.21747,116.12923 L 890.88267,119.20078 L 889.58939,119.68576 L 887.97278,118.23082 L 884.90123,121.78735 L 885.8712,125.02056 L 884.41625,126.31384 L 884.25459,130.67867 L 883.13131,136.93803 L 880.66906,135.78208 L 880.18407,132.71052 L 876.30422,131.57889 L 875.9809,128.83065 L 868.70615,105.38983 L 864.50757,91.750088 L 865.92811,91.631923 L 867.4419,92.041822 L 867.4419,89.455254 L 868.2502,83.958798 L 870.83677,79.270645 L 872.29172,75.229133 L 870.35179,72.804226 L 870.35179,66.822789 L 871.16009,65.852826 L 871.9684,63.104598 L 871.80674,61.649654 L 871.64507,56.79984 L 873.42334,51.950026 L 876.33323,43.0587 L 878.43481,38.855528 L 879.7281,38.855528 L 881.02138,39.017188 L 881.02138,40.148811 L 882.31467,42.412058 L 885.06289,43.0587 L 885.8712,42.250397 L 885.8712,41.280435 L 889.91271,38.370546 L 891.69097,36.592281 L 893.14592,36.753942 L 899.12735,39.178849 L 901.06728,40.148811 L 910.12027,70.055998 L 916.1017,70.055998 L 916.91001,71.995924 L 917.07167,76.845738 L 919.98155,79.108984 L 920.78986,79.108984 L 920.95152,78.624003 L 920.46654,77.49238 L 923.21476,77.330719 z M 902.28301,107.47825 L 903.81879,105.94247 L 905.19291,106.99327 L 905.75872,109.41819 L 904.06128,110.30732 L 902.28301,107.47825 z M 908.99194,101.57763 L 910.77021,103.43673 C 910.77021,103.43673 912.0635,103.51755 912.0635,103.19423 C 912.0635,102.87091 912.30599,101.17347 912.30599,101.17347 L 913.19513,100.36517 L 912.38682,98.586893 L 910.36606,99.31437 L 908.99194,101.57763 z " />
Jim Wurts 212-203-7124
" d="M 828.61427,189.42238 L 827.48264,188.45242 L 824.89606,188.29076 L 822.63282,186.35084 L 821.00221,180.22171 L 817.54375,180.31225 L 815.10004,177.60405 L 795.71472,181.98599 L 752.71294,190.71568 L 745.18329,191.94367 L 744.44513,185.47533 L 745.87323,184.34995 L 747.16651,183.21833 L 748.13648,181.60172 L 749.91474,180.4701 L 751.85467,178.69183 L 752.33965,177.07523 L 754.44123,174.327 L 755.57286,173.35704 L 755.4112,172.38707 L 754.11791,169.31553 L 752.33965,169.15387 L 750.39972,163.01077 L 753.30961,161.2325 L 757.67444,159.77756 L 761.71596,158.48427 L 764.94917,157.99929 L 771.25392,157.83763 L 773.19385,159.13092 L 774.81045,159.29258 L 776.91204,157.99929 L 779.49861,156.86767 L 784.67174,156.38269 L 786.77333,154.60442 L 788.55159,151.37121 L 790.1682,149.43129 L 792.26978,149.43129 L 794.20971,148.29966 L 794.37137,146.03642 L 792.91643,143.93483 L 792.59311,142.47989 L 793.72473,140.3783 L 793.72473,138.92336 L 791.94646,138.92336 L 790.1682,138.11506 L 789.3599,136.98343 L 789.19824,134.39686 L 795.01801,128.90041 L 795.66465,128.09211 L 797.1196,125.18222 L 800.02949,120.65572 L 802.77772,116.93753 L 804.8793,114.51263 L 807.2944,112.68702 L 810.37576,111.44108 L 815.87221,110.14779 L 819.10542,110.30945 L 823.63192,108.85451 L 831.19711,106.78334 L 831.7169,111.76301 L 834.14182,118.22945 L 834.95012,123.4026 L 833.98016,127.28246 L 836.56673,131.80896 L 837.37503,133.91055 L 836.56673,136.82045 L 839.47663,138.11373 L 840.12327,138.43705 L 843.19483,149.42999 L 842.65854,154.48966 L 842.17356,165.32093 L 842.98186,170.8174 L 843.79016,174.37394 L 845.24511,181.64868 L 845.24511,189.73172 L 844.11348,191.99497 L 845.95281,193.98776 L 846.74936,195.66618 L 844.80944,197.44445 L 845.13276,198.73773 L 846.42604,198.41441 L 847.88099,197.12113 L 850.14423,194.53456 L 851.27586,193.88792 L 852.89246,194.53456 L 855.15571,194.69622 L 863.07707,190.81637 L 865.98696,188.06814 L 867.28024,186.6132 L 871.48341,188.2298 L 868.08854,191.78633 L 864.20869,194.69622 L 857.09563,200.03101 L 854.50907,201.00098 L 848.68929,202.9409 L 844.64778,204.07253 L 843.47304,203.5396 L 843.22902,199.85107 L 843.714,197.10283 L 843.55234,195.00125 L 840.73883,193.30225 L 836.21233,192.33228 L 832.33247,191.20066 L 828.61427,189.42238 z " />
Jim Wurts 212-203-7124
Victor Russomanno 848-456-0747
" d="M 828.16036,190.33018 L 826.05878,192.75509 L 826.05878,195.82665 L 824.11884,198.8982 L 823.95718,200.51482 L 825.25048,201.8081 L 825.08882,204.23302 L 822.82556,205.36464 L 823.63386,208.11287 L 823.79552,209.2445 L 826.54376,209.56782 L 827.51372,212.15439 L 831.07026,214.57931 L 833.49517,216.19591 L 833.49517,217.00422 L 830.26196,220.07578 L 828.64535,222.33902 L 827.1904,225.08726 L 824.92715,226.38054 L 823.7147,227.10802 L 823.4722,228.32048 L 822.86297,230.92722 L 823.95524,233.17141 L 827.18845,236.0813 L 832.03826,238.34455 L 836.07977,238.99119 L 836.24143,240.44613 L 835.43313,241.41609 L 835.75645,244.16432 L 836.56475,244.16432 L 838.66634,241.73942 L 839.47464,236.8896 L 842.22287,232.84809 L 845.29442,226.38167 L 846.42604,220.88522 L 845.7794,219.75359 L 845.61774,210.37728 L 844.00113,206.98242 L 842.86951,207.79072 L 840.12128,208.11404 L 839.6363,207.62906 L 840.76793,206.65909 L 842.86951,204.71917 L 842.93257,203.62534 L 842.54818,200.1915 L 843.03316,197.44326 L 842.8715,195.34167 L 840.28493,194.21004 L 835.75843,193.24008 L 831.87857,192.10845 L 828.16036,190.33018 z " />
James McArthur 267-258-3583
Jeff and Carin Kuhn 717-507-7806
Tom Gervasio 484-995-3949
" d="M 822.20688,226.45982 L 823.33852,225.81317 L 825.60176,225.20074 L 827.05671,222.4525 L 828.67332,220.18925 L 831.90653,217.11769 L 831.90653,216.30939 L 829.48162,214.69279 L 825.92508,212.26787 L 824.95512,209.6813 L 822.20688,209.35798 L 822.04522,208.22635 L 821.23692,205.47812 L 823.50018,204.3465 L 823.66184,201.92158 L 822.36854,200.62829 L 822.5302,199.01168 L 824.47014,195.94013 L 824.47014,192.86857 L 826.81422,190.44366 L 827.02874,189.36021 L 824.44216,189.19855 L 822.17892,187.25863 L 819.754,181.92382 L 816.74942,180.99309 L 814.41919,178.85226 L 795.8282,182.89378 L 752.82642,191.62347 L 743.93507,193.07841 L 743.4394,185.99452 L 737.95187,191.62467 L 736.65858,192.10965 L 732.45629,195.11854 L 735.36705,214.25599 L 737.84871,223.98535 L 741.42051,243.24684 L 744.68982,242.60916 L 756.6334,241.10669 L 794.56003,233.44149 L 809.43624,230.61817 L 817.73659,228.99581 L 818.0037,228.75728 L 820.1053,227.14066 L 822.20688,226.45982 z "/>
Ryan Lowe 302-893-3595
" d="M 822.35259,230.42318 L 822.94187,228.32048 L 822.96339,227.11557 L 821.69394,227.02719 L 819.59234,228.6438 L 818.13739,230.09874 L 819.59234,234.30193 L 821.8556,239.96005 L 823.95718,249.6597 L 825.5738,255.96448 L 830.58528,255.80282 L 836.7274,254.59089 L 834.46317,247.23587 L 833.4932,247.72085 L 829.93667,245.29595 L 828.15841,240.60779 L 826.21848,237.05126 L 823.95524,236.0813 L 821.85365,232.52477 L 822.35259,230.42318 z " />
Aaron Roper 513-299-8807
Jonathan and Samantha Schaffer 937-901-7649
Babs and Cuyler Costanzo 330-888-5665
" d="M 731.43589,195.0077 L 725.34235,199.06105 L 721.4625,201.3243 L 718.06763,205.04249 L 714.02612,208.92234 L 710.79291,209.73064 L 707.88302,210.21562 L 702.38656,212.80219 L 700.28498,212.96385 L 696.89011,209.8923 L 691.71697,210.53895 L 689.13041,209.084 L 686.74934,207.73317 L 681.85677,208.43658 L 671.67215,210.05319 L 663.91243,211.26565 L 665.20572,225.89593 L 666.98399,239.6371 L 669.57055,263.0779 L 670.13637,267.90907 L 674.25872,267.78005 L 676.68363,266.97174 L 680.04743,268.47488 L 682.11792,272.83971 L 687.25686,272.82261 L 689.1486,274.94131 L 690.90977,274.87601 L 693.44816,273.53455 L 695.95233,273.90605 L 697.92646,275.361 L 699.65343,273.22832 L 701.99908,271.93504 L 704.06957,271.25419 L 704.71621,274.00243 L 706.49449,274.97239 L 709.97018,277.31646 L 712.1526,277.23564 L 713.29822,276.08691 L 713.23293,274.70038 L 714.84954,273.24542 L 715.0112,268.23395 C 715.0112,268.23395 715.98116,264.35409 715.98116,264.35409 L 717.5014,262.91312 L 719.02163,263.8178 L 719.84704,265.02868 L 721.05794,264.85305 L 720.63513,262.44212 L 720.07087,261.7986 L 720.07087,259.37368 L 721.04084,258.0804 L 723.30408,254.68553 L 724.59737,253.23058 L 726.69896,253.71556 L 728.96221,252.09895 L 732.03376,248.70408 L 734.29702,244.82422 L 734.50686,239.39306 L 734.99184,234.38157 L 734.99184,229.69341 L 733.86022,226.62186 L 734.83018,225.16691 L 735.75069,224.2123 L 734.34578,214.36947 L 731.43589,195.0077 z " />
Martel Williams 586-663-8766
" d="M 581.61931,82.059006 L 583.4483,80.001402 L 585.62022,79.201221 L 590.99286,75.314624 L 593.27908,74.743065 L 593.73634,75.200319 L 588.59232,80.344339 L 585.27728,82.287628 L 583.21967,83.202124 L 581.61931,82.059006 z M 667.79369,114.18719 L 668.44033,116.69293 L 671.67355,116.85459 L 672.96684,115.64213 C 672.96684,115.64213 672.88601,114.18719 672.56269,114.02552 C 672.23936,113.86386 670.94608,112.16642 670.94608,112.16642 L 668.76366,112.40891 L 667.14704,112.57057 L 666.82372,113.7022 L 667.79369,114.18719 z M 697.86007,177.23689 L 694.62686,168.9922 L 692.36361,159.93922 L 689.93871,156.70601 L 687.35214,154.92774 L 685.73554,156.05937 L 681.85568,157.83763 L 679.91576,162.84911 L 677.16753,166.5673 L 676.03591,167.21394 L 674.58096,166.5673 C 674.58096,166.5673 671.9944,165.11235 672.15606,164.46571 C 672.31772,163.81907 672.64104,159.45424 672.64104,159.45424 L 676.03591,158.16095 L 676.84421,154.76608 L 677.49085,152.17952 L 679.91576,150.56291 L 679.59244,140.53996 L 677.97583,138.27672 L 676.68255,137.46841 L 675.87425,135.36683 L 676.68255,134.55853 L 678.29915,134.88185 L 678.46081,133.26524 L 676.03591,131.00199 L 674.74262,128.41543 L 672.15606,128.41543 L 667.62956,126.96048 L 662.13311,123.56561 L 659.38488,123.56561 L 658.73824,124.21226 L 657.76827,123.72727 L 654.69673,121.46403 L 651.78684,123.24229 L 648.87695,125.50554 L 649.20027,129.06207 L 650.17023,129.38539 L 652.27182,129.87037 L 652.7568,130.67867 L 650.17023,131.48698 L 647.58367,131.8103 L 646.12872,133.58856 L 645.8054,135.69015 L 646.12872,137.30675 L 646.45204,142.80321 L 642.89551,144.9048 L 642.24887,144.74313 L 642.24887,140.53996 L 643.54215,138.11506 L 644.1888,135.69015 L 643.38049,134.88185 L 641.44057,135.69015 L 640.4706,139.89332 L 637.72238,141.02494 L 635.94411,142.96487 L 635.78245,143.93483 L 636.42909,144.74313 L 635.78245,147.3297 L 633.5192,147.81468 L 633.5192,148.94631 L 634.32751,151.37121 L 633.19588,157.51431 L 631.57928,161.55582 L 632.22592,166.24398 L 632.7109,167.3756 L 631.9026,169.80051 L 631.57928,170.60881 L 631.25596,173.35704 L 634.81249,179.33847 L 637.72238,185.80489 L 639.17732,190.65471 L 638.36902,195.34286 L 637.39906,201.3243 L 634.97415,206.49743 L 634.65083,209.24566 L 631.39196,212.33081 L 635.80057,212.16876 L 657.21906,209.90551 L 664.4969,208.91845 L 664.59327,210.5848 L 671.44521,209.37234 L 681.74329,207.86921 L 685.59749,207.4083 L 685.73554,206.82075 L 685.8972,205.36581 L 687.99878,201.64762 L 689.99934,199.90977 L 689.77705,194.85788 L 691.37404,193.26089 L 692.46466,192.91795 L 692.68694,189.36142 L 694.22271,186.3303 L 695.2735,186.93652 L 695.43516,187.58316 L 696.24347,187.74482 L 698.18339,186.77486 L 697.86007,177.23689 z M 567.49209,111.21318 L 568.20837,110.63278 L 570.9566,109.82447 L 574.51313,107.56123 L 574.51313,106.59126 L 575.15978,105.94462 L 581.14121,104.97466 L 583.56612,103.03473 L 587.93095,100.93315 L 588.09261,99.639864 L 590.03254,96.729975 L 591.8108,95.921673 L 593.10409,94.143408 L 595.36733,91.880161 L 599.73217,89.455254 L 604.42032,88.970273 L 605.55194,90.101896 L 605.22862,91.071859 L 601.51043,92.041822 L 600.05549,95.113371 L 597.79224,95.921673 L 597.30726,98.34658 L 594.88235,101.57979 L 594.55903,104.16636 L 595.36733,104.65134 L 596.3373,103.51972 L 599.89383,100.60983 L 601.18711,101.90311 L 603.45036,101.90311 L 606.68357,102.87307 L 608.13851,104.0047 L 609.59345,107.07625 L 612.34168,109.82447 L 616.22153,109.66281 L 617.67648,108.69285 L 619.29308,109.98613 L 620.90969,110.47112 L 622.20297,109.66281 L 623.33459,109.66281 L 624.9512,108.69285 L 628.99271,105.13632 L 632.38758,104.0047 L 639.01566,103.68138 L 643.54215,101.74145 L 646.12872,100.44817 L 647.58367,100.60983 L 647.58367,106.26794 L 648.06865,106.59126 L 650.97853,107.39957 L 652.91846,106.91458 L 659.06156,105.29798 L 660.19318,104.16636 L 661.64813,104.65134 L 661.64813,111.60274 L 664.88134,114.67429 L 666.17462,115.32093 L 667.4679,116.29089 L 666.17462,116.61421 L 665.36632,116.29089 L 661.64813,115.80591 L 659.54654,116.45255 L 657.28329,116.29089 L 654.05008,117.74584 L 652.27182,117.74584 L 646.45204,116.45255 L 641.27891,116.61421 L 639.33898,119.20078 L 632.38758,119.84742 L 629.96267,120.65572 L 628.83105,123.72727 L 627.53777,124.8589 L 627.05279,124.69724 L 625.59784,123.08063 L 621.07135,125.50554 L 620.42471,125.50554 L 619.29308,123.88893 L 618.48478,124.05059 L 616.54486,128.41543 L 615.57489,132.45694 L 612.39377,139.45774 L 611.21701,138.42347 L 609.84527,137.39215 L 607.90449,127.10413 L 604.36001,125.73408 L 602.30743,123.44785 L 590.18707,120.70437 L 587.3318,119.67473 L 579.10138,117.50199 L 571.21139,116.35887 L 567.49209,111.21318 z " />
Travis Nichols 208-505-8731
" d="M 162.11948,180.95969 C 139.5086,176.61641 147.97221,178.11269 140.97881,176.60895 L 145.40585,159.10648 L 149.74968,141.38823 L 151.12142,137.15871 L 153.63626,131.21453 L 152.37884,128.9283 L 149.86398,129.04261 L 149.06381,128.01381 L 149.52106,126.8707 L 149.86398,123.78429 L 154.32213,118.29734 L 156.15111,117.8401 L 157.29422,116.69699 L 157.86578,113.49627 L 158.78026,112.81041 L 162.66685,106.98053 L 166.55344,102.6367 L 166.78206,98.864432 L 163.35272,96.235269 L 162.03814,91.834286 L 162.43823,82.174988 L 166.09619,65.714155 L 170.55433,44.909503 L 174.3266,31.420781 L 175.08853,27.617595 L 188.08467,30.145706 L 183.92659,51.653719 L 186.8745,59.358741 L 185.82372,63.931193 L 187.81318,68.503644 L 191.0139,70.196335 L 195.47424,80.002923 L 198.16934,83.821359 L 198.78707,84.964477 L 202.21641,86.107595 L 202.67365,88.646611 L 195.74683,105.44818 L 196.06779,108.76541 L 198.7431,111.64517 L 200.62046,112.1266 L 205.42153,108.51261 L 205.78645,108.01139 L 205.94251,108.85775 L 206.19532,112.99272 L 208.77832,125.88793 L 212.23184,128.56324 L 212.6649,129.40959 L 214.81483,131.85629 L 214.03664,134.64373 L 214.7225,138.39401 L 216.66801,139.30851 L 218.79375,137.6642 L 221.37674,137.18276 L 224.73794,138.78312 L 227.25279,138.18958 L 231.04705,138.0291 L 235.02595,139.62946 L 237.76943,139.3327 L 238.70811,137.0025 L 241.19876,135.35378 L 241.9286,137.04647 L 242.54631,139.28432 L 244.85453,141.82336 L 241.08226,165.80454 L 235.9382,194.8133 L 231.779,194.4946 L 223.59476,192.96239 L 213.78818,191.13341 L 201.62502,188.75485 L 189.09694,186.25099 L 180.61372,184.41102 L 171.35451,182.74252 L 162.11948,180.95969 z " />
Sean Qayyum 360-301-7771
" d="M 93.573239,6.3617734 L 97.938071,7.8167177 L 107.6377,10.564946 L 116.2057,12.504871 L 136.2516,18.162988 L 159.20739,23.821104 L 174.36801,27.215777 L 173.36373,31.099829 L 169.27051,44.909503 L 164.81238,65.714155 L 161.63584,81.854036 L 161.28429,91.232806 L 148.10315,87.33877 L 132.53264,83.955591 L 118.86585,84.551329 L 117.28528,83.01913 L 111.95881,84.916253 L 107.9821,84.665645 L 105.2606,82.904814 L 103.68223,83.430208 L 99.476903,83.201576 L 97.601755,81.829846 L 92.824862,80.093194 L 91.382778,79.886558 L 86.397035,78.560984 L 84.614222,80.069004 L 78.922841,79.726077 L 74.101997,75.931831 L 74.30643,75.131651 L 74.374575,67.197996 L 72.248826,63.31142 L 68.133618,62.57938 L 67.768708,60.225014 L 65.2543,59.597968 L 62.372763,59.063086 L 60.594498,60.033049 L 58.331251,57.123161 L 58.654572,54.213272 L 61.4028,53.889951 L 63.019405,49.84844 L 60.432837,48.716816 L 60.594498,44.998625 L 64.959331,44.351984 L 62.211103,41.603756 L 60.756158,34.490695 L 61.4028,31.580807 L 61.4028,23.659444 L 59.624535,20.426234 L 61.887782,11.049927 L 63.989368,11.534908 L 66.414275,14.444797 L 69.162503,17.031364 L 72.395712,18.97129 L 76.922205,21.072876 L 79.993756,21.719518 L 82.903645,23.174462 L 86.298518,24.144425 L 88.561764,23.982765 L 88.561764,21.557857 L 89.855048,20.426234 L 91.956634,19.13295 L 92.279955,20.264574 L 92.603276,22.042839 L 90.340029,22.52782 L 90.016708,24.629406 L 91.794974,26.084351 L 92.926597,28.509258 L 93.573239,30.449183 L 95.028183,30.287523 L 95.189843,28.994239 L 94.219881,27.700955 L 93.734899,24.467746 L 94.543201,22.689481 L 93.89656,21.234537 L 93.89656,18.97129 L 95.674825,15.41476 L 94.543201,12.828192 L 92.118294,7.9783781 L 92.441615,7.1700758 L 93.573239,6.3617734 z M 84.116548,12.340738 L 86.137312,12.179078 L 86.622294,13.553197 L 88.158073,11.936582 L 90.502155,11.936582 L 91.310458,13.472361 L 89.774678,15.169801 L 90.42133,15.978114 L 89.693853,17.998875 L 88.319734,18.403021 C 88.319734,18.403021 87.430596,18.483857 87.430596,18.160536 C 87.430596,17.837215 88.885551,15.573958 88.885551,15.573958 L 87.188111,15.008141 L 86.86479,16.463095 L 86.137312,17.109737 L 84.60153,14.84648 L 84.116548,12.340738 z " />
George Morrison 512-897-9193
Rigo and Jessica Melendez 915-588-2934
George Morrison 832-444-8352
Brent and Mandy Grigsby
" d="M 357.05332,333.3739 L 379.74411,334.45984 L 410.8368,335.60296 L 408.50219,359.05876 L 408.20543,377.21228 L 408.27357,379.29407 L 412.6174,383.1125 L 414.35405,383.93466 L 416.16326,384.18747 L 416.84913,382.93225 L 417.73945,383.79837 L 419.47609,384.2798 L 421.08086,383.54998 L 422.21956,383.95885 L 421.92279,387.364 L 426.19848,388.39501 L 428.8738,389.21718 L 432.82854,389.74256 L 435.02242,391.57154 L 438.27152,389.99537 L 441.05896,390.36028 L 443.09237,393.14772 L 444.16733,393.46868 L 444.00686,395.43395 L 447.09547,396.60124 L 449.86312,394.79644 L 451.37114,395.16136 L 453.72552,395.32184 L 454.15859,397.19478 L 458.79918,399.18423 L 461.45473,398.9798 L 463.4442,394.86459 L 463.78492,394.86459 L 464.92804,396.76172 L 469.3642,397.76853 L 472.7012,398.9798 L 475.99425,399.73382 L 478.14419,398.9798 L 478.99053,396.46496 L 482.69245,396.46496 L 484.58958,397.21896 L 487.654,395.64279 L 488.31569,395.64279 L 488.6806,396.76172 L 492.95629,396.76172 L 495.35904,395.5065 L 497.02754,395.80326 L 498.44324,397.67621 L 501.32299,399.34471 L 504.84467,400.41968 L 507.58814,401.83759 L 510.03484,403.45991 L 513.32788,402.56962 L 515.26897,403.55225 L 515.78008,413.69188 L 516.11532,423.39405 L 516.80118,432.92806 L 517.32658,436.97511 L 520.00191,441.57175 L 521.07687,445.63859 L 524.93927,451.92792 L 525.48884,454.80769 L 526.01424,455.8145 L 525.32836,463.31069 L 522.67723,467.69847 L 523.63568,470.55845 L 523.27076,473.0733 L 522.42442,480.38923 L 521.05268,483.10852 L 521.65692,487.49475 L 515.99204,489.07993 L 506.13075,493.60643 L 505.16079,495.54635 L 502.57422,497.48628 L 500.47264,498.94122 L 499.17935,499.74952 L 493.52124,505.08432 L 490.77301,507.18591 L 485.43821,510.41911 L 479.7801,512.84402 L 473.47534,516.23889 L 471.69708,517.69384 L 465.8773,521.25037 L 462.48243,521.89701 L 458.60258,527.39346 L 454.56107,527.71679 L 453.5911,529.65671 L 455.85435,531.59664 L 454.3994,537.09309 L 453.10612,541.61959 L 451.9745,545.49944 L 451.1662,550.02593 L 451.9745,552.45084 L 453.75276,559.40224 L 454.72273,565.54533 L 456.50099,568.29356 L 455.53103,569.74851 L 452.45948,571.68843 L 446.80136,567.80858 L 441.30491,566.67696 L 440.01162,567.16194 L 436.77841,566.5153 L 432.57524,563.44375 L 427.40211,562.31213 L 419.80406,558.91726 L 417.70248,555.0374 L 416.40919,548.57099 L 413.17599,546.63106 L 412.52934,544.36781 L 413.17599,543.72117 L 413.49931,540.3263 L 412.20602,539.67966 L 411.55938,538.7097 L 412.85266,534.34486 L 411.23606,532.08162 L 408.00285,530.78833 L 404.60798,526.4235 L 401.05145,519.79542 L 396.84828,517.20885 L 397.00994,515.26893 L 391.67514,502.98273 L 390.86684,498.77956 L 389.08858,496.83964 L 388.92692,495.38469 L 382.94548,490.0499 L 380.35891,486.97835 L 380.35891,485.84672 L 377.77234,483.74514 L 370.9826,482.61351 L 363.54622,481.96687 L 360.47467,479.70363 L 355.94818,481.48189 L 352.39165,482.93684 L 350.1284,486.17004 L 349.15844,489.88824 L 344.79361,496.03133 L 342.3687,498.45624 L 339.78213,497.48628 L 338.00387,496.35465 L 336.06394,495.70801 L 332.18409,493.44477 L 332.18409,492.79812 L 330.40583,490.8582 L 325.23269,488.75661 L 317.79631,480.99691 L 315.53306,476.30876 L 315.53306,468.22573 L 312.29985,461.75931 L 311.81487,459.01109 L 310.19827,458.04112 L 309.06664,455.93954 L 304.05517,453.83795 L 302.76189,452.22135 L 295.64882,444.29998 L 294.35554,441.06677 L 289.66738,438.80352 L 288.21243,434.43865 L 285.62584,431.52878 L 283.68593,431.04382 L 283.0367,426.36618 L 291.03857,427.05207 L 320.07356,429.79552 L 349.10864,431.39588 L 351.39487,407.61912 L 355.28142,352.0641 L 356.88181,333.31678 L 358.25355,333.34536 M 457.2302,567.32304 L 456.66439,560.20996 L 453.91615,553.01604 L 453.35033,545.98379 L 454.88611,537.73908 L 458.20017,530.86849 L 461.67587,525.45284 L 464.82827,521.89629 L 465.47491,522.13879 L 460.70591,528.76689 L 456.34107,535.31417 L 454.3203,541.94226 L 453.99698,547.11542 L 454.88611,553.25854 L 457.47269,560.45246 L 457.95767,565.6256 L 458.11933,567.08056 L 457.2302,567.32304 z " />
Jason Falk and William Copeland
Armand and Michele Amoranto 760-429-0729
Corey Vande Voort 707-761-2418
Jason Falk and William Copeland
" d="M 136.74132,386.75359 L 140.5564,386.26497 L 142.04244,384.25353 L 142.77448,382.31244 L 139.59796,382.22232 L 138.49879,380.45929 L 139.27701,378.74462 L 139.23083,372.59378 L 141.44892,371.266 L 144.14622,368.68302 L 144.5573,363.76763 L 146.20382,360.27014 L 148.14711,358.16638 L 151.41598,356.45171 L 152.69537,355.72188 L 153.4516,354.23804 L 152.58327,353.34553 L 151.62262,351.8353 L 150.68615,346.48685 L 147.7822,341.25051 L 147.87926,338.46426 L 145.67843,335.2162 L 130.67947,311.98682 L 111.24655,283.27272 L 88.819562,250.23896 L 76.117107,230.69405 L 77.913818,223.48571 L 84.726337,197.53705 L 92.84244,166.10144 L 80.477041,162.76442 L 66.988306,159.33508 L 54.414067,155.21987 L 46.869522,153.16227 L 35.438394,150.19018 L 28.387579,147.77848 L 26.80746,152.50284 L 26.645799,159.93922 L 21.472664,171.74043 L 18.401116,174.327 L 18.077795,175.45862 L 16.299529,176.26693 L 14.844585,180.4701 L 14.036283,183.70331 L 16.784511,187.90648 L 18.401116,192.10965 L 19.532739,195.66618 L 19.209418,202.1326 L 17.431153,205.20415 L 16.784511,211.02393 L 15.814548,214.74212 L 17.592813,218.62197 L 20.341041,223.14846 L 22.604288,227.99828 L 23.897571,232.03979 L 23.574251,235.273 L 23.25093,235.75798 L 23.25093,237.85956 L 28.909046,244.16432 L 28.424065,246.58923 L 27.777423,248.85248 L 27.130781,250.7924 L 27.292441,259.03709 L 29.394027,262.75528 L 31.333953,265.34184 L 34.082181,265.82683 L 35.052144,268.57505 L 33.920521,272.13158 L 31.818934,273.74819 L 30.687311,273.74819 L 29.879009,277.62804 L 30.36399,280.53793 L 33.5972,284.90276 L 35.213804,290.23756 L 36.668748,294.92571 L 37.962032,297.99726 L 41.356902,303.81704 L 42.811846,306.4036 L 43.296828,309.31349 L 44.913432,310.28345 L 44.913432,312.70836 L 44.10513,314.64829 L 42.326865,321.76135 L 41.841883,323.70127 L 44.266791,326.4495 L 48.469963,326.93448 L 52.996456,328.71275 L 56.876307,330.81433 L 59.786196,330.81433 L 62.696084,333.88588 L 65.282651,338.7357 L 66.414275,340.99894 L 70.294126,343.10053 L 75.14394,343.90883 L 76.598884,346.01042 L 77.245526,349.24363 L 75.790582,349.89027 L 76.113903,350.86023 L 79.347114,351.66853 L 82.095342,351.8302 L 85.005231,356.51835 L 88.885085,360.72152 L 89.693387,362.98477 L 92.279955,367.18794 L 92.603276,370.42115 L 92.603276,379.79746 L 93.088257,381.57572 L 103.11121,383.03067 L 122.83378,385.77889 L 136.74132,386.75359 z M 48.793607,337.03691 L 50.086895,338.57269 L 49.925235,339.86598 L 46.692014,339.78515 L 46.1262,338.57269 L 45.479556,337.11774 L 48.793607,337.03691 z M 50.733539,337.03691 L 51.945997,336.39027 L 55.50254,338.49186 L 58.5741,339.70431 L 57.684964,340.35097 L 53.158455,340.10847 L 51.541845,338.49186 L 50.733539,337.03691 z M 71.426153,356.84039 L 73.204418,359.18447 L 74.012731,360.15444 L 75.54851,360.72025 L 76.114317,359.2653 L 75.144354,357.48703 L 72.476951,355.46627 L 71.426153,355.62793 L 71.426153,356.84039 z M 69.971198,365.48925 L 71.749474,368.64164 L 72.961932,370.58158 L 71.506978,370.82406 L 70.213694,369.61161 C 70.213694,369.61161 69.486217,368.15666 69.486217,367.7525 C 69.486217,367.34836 69.486217,365.57008 69.486217,365.57008 L 69.971198,365.48925 z " />
Christian Williams 480-276-4061
Rebecca and Josh Wallace 928-863-8276
David and Caroline Scott
Angela Wilson and Mick Varoskovic 623-606-9873
" d="M 137.74699,387.50041 L 135.11998,389.65874 L 134.79666,391.11369 L 135.28164,392.08365 L 154.19591,402.75324 L 166.32045,410.35128 L 181.03155,418.91929 L 197.84424,428.94224 L 210.13044,431.36715 L 235.25838,434.07206 L 237.7892,421.56511 L 241.54187,394.32217 L 248.50673,341.44101 L 252.76399,310.47532 L 228.16728,306.79655 L 200.96119,302.2241 L 167.53204,295.90642 L 164.61014,313.99826 L 164.1529,314.45551 L 162.43823,317.08467 L 159.92338,316.97035 L 158.66596,314.22688 L 155.92249,313.88395 L 155.00799,312.74084 L 154.09351,312.74084 L 153.17901,313.3124 L 151.23572,314.3412 L 151.12142,321.31418 L 150.89278,323.02885 L 150.32124,335.60309 L 148.83519,337.775 L 148.26363,341.09003 L 151.0071,346.00542 L 152.26452,351.8353 L 153.06471,352.8641 L 154.09351,353.43566 L 153.97919,355.72188 L 152.37884,357.09361 L 148.9495,358.80828 L 147.00621,360.75158 L 145.52016,364.40953 L 144.9486,369.32492 L 142.09082,372.06839 L 140.03322,372.75426 L 139.91891,378.58414 L 139.46166,380.29881 L 139.91891,381.09899 L 143.57687,381.67053 L 143.00531,384.41401 L 141.51926,386.58592 L 137.74699,387.50041 z " />
James Herold 702-704-3724
Terry and Tisha Haufler 775-499-5304
" d="M 140.65786,177.57182 L 161.63805,182.08304 L 171.35451,184.02634 L 180.61372,185.85531 L 187.22838,187.48864 L 186.67001,193.35369 L 183.12636,210.68284 L 179.03314,230.66313 L 177.08985,240.3818 L 174.91793,253.66389 L 171.76337,270.07854 L 168.24171,285.76337 L 166.27332,295.94373 L 163.80775,312.71445 L 163.35051,313.8136 L 162.27775,316.28228 L 160.40481,316.16797 L 159.30786,313.4245 L 156.56439,312.92108 L 155.16847,311.93845 L 153.13064,312.25941 L 152.21615,312.99145 L 150.91477,314.3412 L 150.47951,321.31418 L 149.92992,323.02885 L 149.51885,335.12166 L 148.19675,336.83582 L 146.32033,334.57429 L 131.80281,311.82634 L 112.36989,282.79128 L 89.621946,248.95514 L 77.240446,230.3731 L 78.87668,223.80666 L 85.849676,197.858 L 93.737155,166.51015 L 127.34467,174.65279 L 141.06203,177.62488" />
Joe Dussol 385-209-0300
Vicky Thurlow, Darren Cook 970-260-0609
Robert and Kimberly Harrison 435-703-4142
" d="M 252.97063,309.30699 L 228.32776,305.83369 L 201.76357,300.94029 L 167.93683,294.92034 L 169.52553,285.76337 L 172.72624,270.55998 L 176.04127,253.98484 L 178.21319,240.3818 L 180.15648,231.46552 L 183.92875,211.00379 L 187.4724,193.51417 L 188.58694,187.94149 L 201.30406,190.19914 L 213.30675,192.25674 L 223.59476,194.08573 L 231.93948,195.45747 L 235.61725,195.93663 L 234.13245,206.56705 L 231.82083,219.73971 L 239.62852,220.66808 L 256.03504,222.47287 L 264.24601,223.32851 L 262.11553,245.29707 L 258.91482,267.86257 L 255.16215,295.68875 L 253.49601,306.79655 L 252.97063,309.30699 z " />
H. Dale Palmer 719-421-1121
Matt and Krista Gregg 720-365-2393
Vicky Thurlow, Darren Cook 970-260-0609
Cheryl Chiasson 303-946-8834
" d="M 378.62078,256.79629 L 380.06066,235.51461 L 347.96558,232.45018 L 323.50262,229.75064 L 286.23746,225.63547 L 265.5471,223.12065 L 262.91791,245.29707 L 259.7172,267.70209 L 255.96454,295.68875 L 254.45888,306.79655 L 254.20828,309.55981 L 288.13455,313.35406 L 325.87526,317.62063 L 357.83587,320.7865 L 374.44407,321.63284" />
Justin Turley 505-400-7370
" d="M 282.72425,431.045 L 282.07384,424.9219 L 290.71762,425.4473 L 320.23405,428.5117 L 348.62721,429.95159 L 350.59248,407.61912 L 354.31856,351.74315 L 355.43752,332.35392 L 357.45116,332.70345 L 357.43687,321.62845 L 325.23335,319.22539 L 288.29503,314.79835 L 253.83017,310.68314 L 249.63006,341.44101 L 242.6652,394.64312 L 238.91254,421.56511 L 236.86315,434.87445 L 252.32382,436.8636 L 253.6171,426.84065 L 270.26813,429.42722 L 282.72425,431.045 z " />
Phill & Angela Kirton 503-277-8763
" d="M 140.30581,176.68623 L 144.60346,158.78553 L 149.26824,140.9068 L 150.31903,136.67728 L 152.6734,131.05405 L 152.05789,129.89117 L 149.54303,129.84499 L 148.26143,128.17429 L 148.71867,126.71022 L 149.22208,123.46334 L 153.68023,117.97639 L 155.50921,116.87724 L 156.65232,115.73413 L 158.13836,112.1685 L 162.18542,106.4991 L 165.75105,102.6367 L 165.97967,99.185383 L 162.71081,96.716701 L 161.50192,92.206659 L 148.26363,88.462106 L 133.17454,84.918456 L 117.74252,85.032762 L 117.28528,83.661033 L 111.79833,85.718637 L 107.34019,85.147078 L 104.93965,83.546717 L 103.68223,84.232592 L 98.99547,84.00396 L 97.280804,82.632231 L 92.022478,80.574627 L 91.222297,80.688943 L 86.878467,79.202887 L 84.935176,81.03187 L 78.762364,80.688943 L 72.818181,76.573734 L 73.504046,75.773554 L 73.732667,68.000381 L 71.446442,64.113804 L 67.331234,63.542245 L 66.645369,61.027398 L 64.291437,60.560833 L 58.492912,62.619617 L 56.229665,69.086035 L 52.996456,79.108984 L 49.763246,85.575403 L 44.751772,99.639864 L 38.285353,113.21934 L 30.20233,125.82886 L 28.262404,128.73875 L 27.454102,137.30675 L 26.160818,143.28819 L 28.86901,146.81562 L 35.598871,149.06684 L 47.190476,152.35988 L 55.055974,154.89892 L 67.469737,158.5327 L 80.797995,162.12252 L 93.965776,165.68813" />
Derek and Daniela Myers
" d="M 484.24444,246.9897 L 485.61618,249.66503 L 485.70851,251.79078 L 488.06288,255.51689 L 490.78217,258.66923 L 485.73269,258.66923 L 442.25013,257.73055 L 401.46327,256.84025 L 380.27171,255.8796 L 381.34448,234.55175 L 347.96558,231.80828 L 352.30941,187.79842 L 367.85574,188.82723 L 387.97453,189.97033 L 405.8071,191.11345 L 429.58386,192.25656 L 440.32912,191.79932 L 442.38672,194.08554 L 447.1878,197.05764 L 448.33091,197.97213 L 452.67474,196.60039 L 456.56133,196.14315 L 459.3048,195.91452 L 461.13378,197.28626 L 466.16348,198.88662 L 469.13557,200.48698 L 469.59282,202.08734 L 470.50731,204.14494 L 472.33629,204.14494 L 473.13427,204.19111 L 474.11689,209.40326 L 476.86037,217.42924 L 478.09582,222.06983 L 480.22156,225.88828 L 480.74695,230.82564 L 482.18684,235.10132 L 482.73641,241.57092" />
Derek and Daniela Myers 515-776-1044
" d="M 566.59351,201.62843 L 566.76414,203.57088 L 569.05036,204.71064 L 570.1918,205.96722 L 570.53556,207.22883 L 574.42215,210.43123 L 575.10802,212.60398 L 574.30868,215.46595 L 572.82012,219.01043 L 572.02078,221.75222 L 569.84803,223.35426 L 568.13252,223.92666 L 562.64725,225.41186 L 561.96138,227.69475 L 561.16204,229.9793 L 561.73443,231.35104 L 563.44994,233.06488 L 563.44826,236.72617 L 561.27886,238.32653 L 560.81995,239.81342 L 560.81995,242.32994 L 559.33139,242.78718 L 557.61755,244.15725 L 557.16198,245.64246 L 557.61755,247.35964 L 556.24331,248.56409 L 553.94955,245.87276 L 552.46601,243.24611 L 544.12548,244.04544 L 533.95428,244.61617 L 508.91758,245.30372 L 495.88274,245.53234 L 486.50922,245.76096 L 485.19344,245.88221 L 483.53879,241.41044 L 483.31017,234.78037 L 481.70981,230.66516 L 481.02395,225.40685 L 478.73772,221.74888 L 477.82324,216.94781 L 475.07976,209.40326 L 473.93665,204.03062 L 472.56491,201.85871 L 470.96455,199.11525 L 472.79353,194.77142 L 474.16527,189.05585 L 471.4218,186.99824 L 470.96455,184.25477 L 471.87905,181.73992 L 473.59372,181.73992 L 485.13916,181.73992 L 534.75027,181.05405 L 554.62705,180.36819 L 556.47778,183.115 L 558.31012,185.73663 L 558.76569,186.541 L 556.93503,189.28949 L 557.3906,193.51148 L 559.90546,197.39807 L 562.8742,199.22202 L 565.27892,199.45232 L 566.59351,201.62843 z " />
Michael Mengarelli 601-622-0373
" d="M 624.55882,466.96958 L 624.30456,468.22573 L 619.13142,468.22573 L 617.67648,467.41743 L 615.57489,467.09411 L 608.78515,469.03403 L 607.00689,468.22573 L 604.42032,472.4289 L 603.31778,473.20692 L 602.19395,470.71894 L 601.05083,466.83235 L 597.6215,463.63164 L 598.7646,456.08709 L 598.07874,455.1726 L 596.24976,455.40122 L 588.01934,456.08709 L 563.78534,456.77296 L 563.3281,455.1726 L 564.01397,447.1708 L 567.44331,440.99799 L 572.70163,431.85309 L 571.78714,429.79549 L 572.93025,429.79549 L 573.61612,426.59477 L 571.32989,424.76579 L 571.55852,422.93681 L 569.50091,418.36436 L 569.21513,413.0203 L 570.58686,410.36256 L 570.18678,406.01873 L 568.81504,403.04663 L 570.18678,401.6749 L 568.81504,399.6173 L 569.27229,397.78832 L 570.18678,391.6155 L 573.15887,388.87204 L 572.473,386.81443 L 576.13097,381.5561 L 578.87444,380.64162 L 578.87444,378.12677 L 578.18857,376.75503 L 580.93204,371.49672 L 583.67551,370.3536 L 583.78295,366.94152 L 592.4584,366.86408 L 616.54585,364.92416 L 621.12643,364.69553 L 621.13451,371.06725 L 621.29617,387.71831 L 620.48787,418.75716 L 620.32621,432.82165 L 623.07445,451.57429 L 624.55882,466.96958 z " />
Kellen Dooley 260-450-7547
Roxana and Juan Pablo 317-499-0614
Richard Weinblatt 317-435-1611
" d="M 618.42049,300.8552 L 618.48577,297.99662 L 618.97076,293.47011 L 621.234,290.56023 L 623.01228,286.68036 L 625.59884,282.47719 L 625.11386,276.6574 L 623.3356,273.90917 L 623.01228,270.67596 L 623.82058,265.17949 L 623.3356,258.22808 L 622.0423,242.22367 L 620.74902,226.86591 L 619.77855,215.14589 L 622.84961,216.0354 L 624.30456,217.00536 L 625.43618,216.68204 L 627.53777,214.74212 L 630.36734,213.12513 L 635.46014,212.96309 L 657.44601,210.69983 L 663.02174,210.16667 L 664.52488,226.12288 L 668.77623,262.96443 L 669.37469,268.73603 L 669.00319,270.99928 L 670.23117,272.79465 L 670.32756,274.1672 L 667.80627,275.76671 L 664.26684,277.31802 L 661.06471,277.8683 L 660.46625,282.73523 L 655.89156,286.0477 L 653.09514,290.05814 L 653.41846,292.43487 L 652.83712,293.96907 L 649.51065,293.96907 L 647.92512,292.35247 L 645.43181,293.61467 L 642.74885,295.11781 L 642.91052,298.17226 L 641.71673,298.43029 L 641.24885,297.41215 L 639.08197,295.90901 L 635.83165,297.25049 L 634.28034,300.25674 L 632.8425,299.44844 L 631.38755,297.84893 L 626.92321,298.33392 L 621.33038,299.30388 L 618.42049,300.8552 z " />
Bill and Dawn Muir 708-476-4763
" d="M 617.80493,301.60133 L 617.80493,297.99662 L 618.06296,293.12969 L 620.43968,289.99286 L 622.21795,286.22646 L 624.80452,282.36371 L 624.43302,277.11131 L 622.42781,273.56874 L 622.33143,270.22206 L 623.02626,264.95255 L 622.20085,257.77418 L 621.13451,241.99673 L 619.84123,226.97939 L 618.91895,215.34019 L 618.64644,214.4188 L 617.83814,211.83223 L 616.54486,208.11404 L 614.92825,206.33577 L 613.47331,203.74921 L 613.23974,198.26025 L 603.33707,199.57249 L 576.13098,201.28716 L 567.44331,200.8585 L 567.67193,203.23045 L 569.95816,203.91632 L 570.87264,205.05943 L 571.32989,206.88841 L 575.21647,210.31775 L 575.90235,212.60398 L 575.21647,216.03332 L 573.38749,219.69128 L 572.70163,222.20612 L 570.4154,224.03511 L 568.58642,224.72098 L 563.3281,226.09271 L 562.64223,227.92169 L 561.95636,229.9793 L 562.64223,231.35104 L 564.47121,232.9514 L 564.24259,237.0666 L 562.4136,238.66696 L 561.72774,240.26732 L 561.72774,243.01079 L 559.89876,243.46803 L 558.2984,244.61115 L 558.06978,245.98289 L 558.2984,248.04049 L 556.58373,249.35506 L 555.55493,252.1557 L 556.01217,255.81365 L 558.2984,263.12958 L 565.61433,270.67413 L 571.10126,274.33209 L 570.87264,278.67592 L 571.78714,280.04766 L 578.18857,280.5049 L 580.93204,281.87664 L 580.24618,285.5346 L 577.95995,291.47879 L 577.27408,294.67951 L 579.5603,298.56609 L 585.96174,303.82441 L 590.5342,304.51028 L 592.59179,309.53998 L 594.6494,312.74069 L 593.73491,315.71278 L 595.33527,319.82799 L 597.16425,321.8856 L 599.10861,321.0933 L 599.7953,318.93012 L 601.8316,317.49228 L 605.06793,316.39174 L 608.15659,317.57154 L 611.03228,318.63788 L 611.82348,318.42804 L 611.75819,317.18606 L 610.69186,314.42072 L 611.12866,312.044 L 613.409,310.47557 L 615.76863,309.48851 L 616.93134,309.06882 L 616.34998,307.74444 L 615.58986,305.57757 L 616.83496,304.31536 L 617.80493,301.60133 z " />
Michael and Linda Loesch 612-806-5834
" d="M 471.87905,128.47084 L 471.4218,120.0118 L 469.59282,112.69588 L 467.76384,99.207152 L 467.30659,89.376374 L 465.47761,85.947031 L 463.87725,80.917336 L 463.87725,70.629316 L 464.56311,66.742729 L 462.74218,61.291062 L 492.8746,61.326333 L 493.19792,53.081649 L 493.84456,52.919988 L 496.10781,53.40497 L 498.04773,54.213272 L 498.85603,59.709728 L 500.31098,65.852826 L 501.92758,67.469431 L 506.7774,67.469431 L 507.10072,68.924375 L 513.40548,69.247696 L 513.40548,71.349282 L 518.25529,71.349282 L 518.57861,70.055998 L 519.71023,68.924375 L 521.97348,68.277733 L 523.26676,69.247696 L 526.17665,69.247696 L 530.0565,71.834263 L 535.3913,74.25917 L 537.81621,74.744152 L 538.30119,73.774189 L 539.75613,73.289207 L 540.24111,76.199096 L 542.82768,77.49238 L 543.31266,77.007398 L 544.60595,77.169059 L 544.60595,79.270645 L 547.19251,80.240608 L 550.26406,80.240608 L 551.88067,79.432305 L 555.11388,76.199096 L 557.70044,75.714115 L 558.50875,77.49238 L 558.99373,78.785663 L 559.96369,78.785663 L 560.93365,77.977361 L 569.82498,77.65404 L 571.60324,80.725589 L 572.24989,80.725589 L 572.9635,79.64131 L 577.40341,79.270645 L 576.79131,81.550104 L 572.85259,83.387229 L 563.60681,87.448357 L 558.83207,89.455254 L 555.76052,92.041822 L 553.33561,95.598352 L 551.07237,99.478203 L 549.2941,100.28651 L 544.76761,105.29798 L 543.47432,105.45964 L 539.63268,108.39354 L 536.81624,111.55445 L 536.58762,114.52487 L 536.81457,122.30306 L 535.21755,123.90342 L 529.95924,128.01694 L 528.12691,133.73419 L 530.6451,137.38211 L 531.10402,139.90198 L 529.95589,142.87575 L 529.72893,146.53538 L 530.18618,153.61933 L 533.61218,157.72618 L 536.58762,157.72618 L 539.09745,160.01909 L 542.29984,161.38414 L 545.95948,166.41886 L 553.04677,171.44186 L 554.87742,173.50448 L 555.11107,179.00649 L 534.52332,179.69236 L 474.27457,180.15128 L 473.93665,144.47443 L 473.47941,141.50234 L 469.3642,138.073 L 468.22108,136.24402 L 468.22108,134.64365 L 470.27868,133.0433 L 471.65042,131.67156 L 471.87905,128.47084 z " />
Tim Budz 920-228-2461
Andrew and Viktoriya Gonzales
Angela Welbes and David Levin
" d="M 612.94089,197.18116 L 613.31165,194.21124 L 611.69504,189.68474 L 611.0484,183.54165 L 609.91678,181.11674 L 610.88674,178.04519 L 611.69504,175.1353 L 613.14999,172.54874 L 612.50334,169.15387 L 611.8567,165.59734 L 612.34168,163.81907 L 614.28161,161.39416 L 614.44327,158.64593 L 613.63497,157.35265 L 614.28161,154.76608 L 614.76659,151.53287 L 617.51482,145.87476 L 620.42471,139.08502 L 620.58637,136.82177 L 620.26305,135.85181 L 619.45474,136.33679 L 615.25157,142.64155 L 612.50334,146.68306 L 610.56342,148.46133 L 609.75512,150.72457 L 608.30017,151.53287 L 607.16855,153.4728 L 605.7136,153.14948 L 605.55194,151.37121 L 606.84523,148.94631 L 608.94681,144.25815 L 610.72508,142.64155 L 611.8264,140.34999 L 610.19574,139.44474 L 608.824,138.073 L 607.22364,127.78498 L 603.56569,126.64187 L 602.19395,124.35564 L 589.6197,121.61217 L 587.10485,120.46906 L 578.87444,118.18283 L 570.64402,117.03971 L 566.47456,111.63491 L 565.94513,112.89602 L 564.81351,112.73436 L 564.16686,111.60274 L 561.41864,110.79444 L 560.28701,110.9561 L 558.50875,111.92606 L 557.53878,111.27942 L 558.18543,109.33949 L 560.12535,106.26794 L 561.25697,105.13632 L 559.31705,103.68138 L 557.21546,104.48968 L 554.30557,106.4296 L 546.86919,109.66281 L 543.9593,110.30945 L 541.04942,109.82447 L 540.06769,108.94622 L 537.95099,111.7814 L 537.72237,114.52487 L 537.72237,122.9839 L 536.57925,124.58427 L 531.32093,128.47084 L 529.03471,134.41503 L 529.49195,134.64365 L 532.0068,136.70126 L 532.69266,139.90198 L 530.86368,143.10269 L 530.86368,146.98928 L 531.32093,153.61933 L 534.29302,156.59143 L 537.72237,156.59143 L 539.55135,159.79215 L 542.98068,160.24939 L 546.86727,165.96496 L 553.95457,170.08017 L 556.01217,172.82364 L 556.92667,180.25388 L 557.61253,183.5689 L 559.89876,185.16926 L 560.12738,186.541 L 558.06978,189.97033 L 558.2984,193.17106 L 560.81325,197.05764 L 563.3281,198.20075 L 566.30019,198.65799 L 567.64253,200.03811 L 576.81603,200.03809 L 602.88316,198.55122 L 612.94089,197.18116 z " />
Gary Kolek 816-492-4210
Megan and Amanda Boccardi 636-279-9570
Megan and Amanda Boccardi 314-534-8031
Jim Ward and Julia Dell 573-712-0052
Megan and Amanda Boccardi 573-424-2742
" d="M 555.78857,249.52738 L 553.2687,246.44013 L 552.12558,244.1539 L 544.35242,244.83977 L 534.52164,245.29701 L 509.14453,246.21151 L 495.6558,246.44013 L 487.76835,246.55444 L 485.48209,246.66875 L 486.73952,249.1836 L 486.5109,251.46982 L 489.02574,255.35641 L 492.11214,259.47162 L 495.19855,262.21509 L 497.48478,262.44371 L 498.85651,263.35821 L 498.85651,266.3303 L 497.02754,267.93066 L 496.57028,270.21688 L 498.62789,273.64623 L 501.14275,276.61832 L 503.65759,278.4473 L 505.02932,290.10705 L 504.34346,325.42926 L 504.57208,330.11601 L 505.02932,335.49952 L 528.46231,335.3827 L 551.66834,334.69683 L 572.473,333.89582 L 584.12774,333.66552 L 586.29714,337.09152 L 585.61295,340.39902 L 582.5257,342.80206 L 581.95331,344.6394 L 587.3318,345.09666 L 591.22676,344.41078 L 592.94394,338.91715 L 593.59536,333.06036 L 595.91436,331.03553 L 597.62651,329.54864 L 599.68412,328.519 L 599.79926,325.65871 L 600.37334,323.9432 L 599.34202,322.19493 L 596.59688,322.3395 L 594.42748,319.71451 L 593.05406,315.48584 L 593.85507,312.96764 L 591.91094,309.53998 L 590.0803,304.96418 L 585.28089,304.16484 L 578.31209,298.56609 L 576.59323,294.45256 L 577.39258,291.25184 L 579.45185,285.19417 L 579.91077,282.33054 L 577.96163,281.29923 L 571.10629,280.50156 L 570.07832,278.7894 L 569.96652,274.55904 L 564.47958,271.12803 L 557.50407,263.35653 L 555.21785,256.0406 L 554.98756,251.81528 L 555.78857,249.52738 z " />
Tim Ballard 901-474-9510
" d="M 590.95215,344.95331 L 587.10485,345.89098 L 580.93204,345.43373 L 581.61791,342.46164 L 584.81863,339.71817 L 585.27587,337.43194 L 583.44689,334.45984 L 572.473,334.91709 L 551.66834,335.83158 L 528.34883,336.51745 L 505.02932,336.97469 L 506.62968,343.83338 L 506.62967,352.0638 L 508.00142,363.03779 L 508.23004,400.87472 L 510.51627,402.81801 L 513.48836,401.44628 L 516.23184,402.58939 L 516.66218,412.91269 L 539.548,412.77064 L 558.41187,411.96962 L 568.53344,411.77209 L 569.67907,409.68172 L 569.39245,406.13221 L 567.56682,403.16011 L 569.16551,401.6749 L 567.56682,399.1634 L 568.25102,396.65357 L 569.61941,391.04814 L 572.1376,388.98551 L 571.45173,386.70095 L 575.1097,381.32916 L 577.85317,379.96077 L 577.73969,378.46719 L 577.39425,376.64155 L 580.2512,371.04282 L 582.65424,369.78623 L 583.03837,366.3586 L 584.80904,365.1169 L 585.66552,360.88263 L 584.32406,356.87219 L 588.36558,354.49548 L 588.91584,352.47628 L 590.15112,348.2087 L 590.95215,344.95331 z " />
Ralph and Candy Trenary 918-932-6085
Marty and Michel Mayfield 405-816-5744
" d="M 375.34313,322.57146 L 364.65498,322.11427 L 358.22497,321.62845 L 358.48217,321.82848 L 357.77873,332.25058 L 379.74411,333.65746 L 411.79966,334.96106 L 409.46506,359.37971 L 409.00781,377.21228 L 409.23644,378.81264 L 413.58027,382.4706 L 415.63787,383.61371 L 416.32374,383.38509 L 417.00961,381.32748 L 418.38135,383.15647 L 420.43895,383.15647 L 420.43895,381.78473 L 423.18242,383.15647 L 422.72518,387.04305 L 426.84039,387.27167 L 429.35523,388.41479 L 433.47044,389.10066 L 435.98529,390.92964 L 438.27152,388.87204 L 441.70086,389.5579 L 444.21571,392.98724 L 445.13019,392.98724 L 445.13019,395.27347 L 447.41642,395.95933 L 449.70264,393.67311 L 451.53163,394.35897 L 454.04647,394.35897 L 454.96097,396.87383 L 459.76204,398.7028 L 461.13378,398.01694 L 462.96276,393.90173 L 464.10587,393.90173 L 465.24899,395.95933 L 469.3642,396.6452 L 473.02215,398.01694 L 475.99425,398.93143 L 477.82324,398.01694 L 478.5091,395.50209 L 482.85293,395.50209 L 484.91053,396.41658 L 487.654,394.35897 L 488.79712,394.35897 L 489.48299,395.95933 L 493.59819,395.95933 L 495.19855,393.90173 L 497.02754,394.35897 L 499.08514,396.87383 L 502.28585,398.7028 L 505.48658,399.6173 L 507.42766,400.73623 L 507.03856,363.51922 L 505.66681,352.54524 L 505.50635,343.6729 L 504.06646,337.13517 L 503.28826,329.95553 L 503.22012,326.13931 L 491.08328,326.45805 L 444.67324,326.00081 L 399.63433,323.94319 L 375.34313,322.57146 z " />
Travis Hansen 785-288-0645
" d="M 503.38059,325.13028 L 490.76233,325.33471 L 444.67324,324.87748 L 400.11576,322.81985 L 375.48602,321.56244 L 379.62981,256.84247 L 401.46327,257.64264 L 441.92918,259.01437 L 486.05364,259.47162 L 491.14927,259.47162 L 494.39617,262.69652 L 497.16383,262.92514 L 498.05413,264.00011 L 498.05413,266.00934 L 496.22515,267.60971 L 495.7679,270.21688 L 497.98598,273.80671 L 500.50084,276.93927 L 503.01569,278.92873 L 504.06646,290.10705 L 503.38059,325.13028 z " />
Corey Dimattia and Jacques Gasquet
" d="M 602.20213,472.99473 L 601.17268,470.37851 L 600.02956,467.28625 L 596.7137,463.74511 L 597.62986,456.99488 L 597.51137,455.85345 L 596.24976,456.19555 L 588.01934,457.10836 L 562.99102,457.56728 L 562.30683,455.1726 L 563.21964,446.7169 L 566.53552,440.77105 L 571.56688,432.08003 L 570.99281,429.68201 L 572.2494,429.00116 L 572.70833,427.04867 L 570.42209,424.99274 L 570.3103,423.05029 L 568.47964,418.70478 L 568.02323,412.76393 L 558.2984,412.87741 L 539.0941,413.79191 L 516.88913,413.82048 L 516.9177,423.39405 L 517.60357,432.76758 L 518.28944,436.65416 L 520.80429,440.76937 L 521.71878,445.79908 L 526.06261,451.28601 L 526.29123,454.48673 L 526.9771,455.1726 L 526.29123,463.63164 L 523.31914,468.66133 L 524.9195,470.71894 L 524.23362,473.23378 L 523.54776,480.54971 L 522.17602,483.75042 L 522.29848,487.36687 L 526.98496,485.84672 L 535.06798,485.5234 L 545.41425,489.07993 L 551.88067,490.21156 L 555.59886,488.75661 L 558.83207,489.88824 L 562.06528,490.8582 L 562.87358,488.75661 L 559.64037,487.62499 L 557.0538,488.10997 L 554.30557,486.49337 C 554.30557,486.49337 554.46724,485.20008 555.11388,485.03842 C 555.76052,484.87676 558.18543,484.06846 558.18543,484.06846 L 559.96369,485.5234 L 561.74196,484.55344 L 564.97517,485.20008 L 566.43011,487.62499 L 566.75343,489.88824 L 571.27992,490.21156 L 573.05819,491.98982 L 572.24989,493.60643 L 570.9566,494.41473 L 572.57321,496.03133 L 580.97955,499.58786 L 584.53608,498.29458 L 585.50605,495.86967 L 588.09261,495.22303 L 589.87088,493.76809 L 591.16416,494.73805 L 591.97246,497.64794 L 589.70922,498.45624 L 590.35586,499.10288 L 593.75073,497.8096 L 596.01398,494.41473 L 596.82228,493.92975 L 594.72069,493.60643 L 595.52899,491.98982 L 595.36733,490.53488 L 597.46892,490.0499 L 598.60054,488.75661 L 599.24718,489.56491 C 599.24718,489.56491 599.08552,492.63646 599.89383,492.63646 C 600.70213,492.63646 604.097,493.28311 604.097,493.28311 L 608.13851,495.22303 L 609.10847,496.67798 L 612.01836,496.67798 L 613.14999,497.64794 L 615.41323,494.57639 L 615.41323,493.12144 L 614.11995,493.12144 L 610.72508,490.37322 L 604.9053,489.56491 L 601.67209,487.30167 L 602.80372,484.55344 L 605.06696,484.87676 L 605.22862,484.23012 L 603.45036,483.26016 L 603.45036,482.77517 L 606.68357,482.77517 L 608.46183,479.70363 L 607.16855,477.7637 L 606.84523,475.01547 L 605.39028,475.17713 L 603.45036,477.27872 L 602.80372,479.86529 L 599.73217,479.21864 L 598.7622,477.44038 L 600.54047,475.50045 L 602.56122,473.7222 L 602.20213,472.99473 z " />
Marc Garber 804-300-3892
" d="M 828.90662,269.2457 L 828.76271,267.29867 L 835.21614,264.74879 L 834.44573,267.96663 L 831.52578,271.74574 L 831.10769,276.33156 L 831.56944,279.722 L 829.74147,284.70016 L 827.5772,286.6163 L 826.10686,281.97549 L 826.55275,276.52638 L 828.13975,272.34331 L 828.90662,269.2457 z M 831.18615,297.54706 L 773.01197,310.12249 L 735.585,315.40156 L 728.90667,315.02638 L 726.32142,316.95276 L 718.98229,317.17345 L 710.60018,318.15112 L 701.67396,319.10283 L 710.15465,314.15454 L 710.14153,312.07961 L 711.66158,309.93348 L 722.21536,298.43205 L 726.16208,302.90951 L 729.94509,303.87349 L 732.48855,302.73317 L 734.72577,301.42201 L 737.26238,302.76553 L 741.17655,301.33777 L 743.05328,296.78143 L 745.6542,297.32145 L 748.50944,295.1902 L 750.30871,295.6838 L 753.13592,292.00723 L 753.48417,289.92412 L 752.52051,288.64855 L 753.52328,286.78192 L 758.79755,274.50477 L 759.41432,268.76969 L 760.64321,268.24615 L 762.82174,270.68902 L 766.7576,270.38785 L 768.68681,262.81422 L 771.4808,262.25336 L 772.53055,259.51229 L 775.11037,257.16541 L 776.37834,254.8232 L 777.8822,251.47022 L 777.96713,246.40267 L 787.78864,250.22549 C 788.46949,250.56591 788.44474,245.44151 788.44474,245.44151 L 792.49505,246.81886 L 792.03305,249.44766 L 800.18916,252.38732 L 801.48203,254.18171 L 800.61409,257.86385 L 799.35101,259.18967 L 798.84509,260.93571 L 799.339,263.33843 L 801.29798,264.61681 L 805.21607,266.06202 L 808.16474,267.02998 L 813.02121,267.97209 L 815.17352,270.06055 L 818.36396,270.46308 L 819.23203,271.6631 L 818.79254,276.35318 L 820.16727,277.45573 L 819.68832,279.38612 L 820.91773,280.17589 L 820.69593,281.56049 L 818.00194,281.46555 L 818.0909,283.08107 L 820.37189,284.62394 L 820.49343,286.03584 L 822.26654,287.82122 L 822.75833,290.34535 L 820.20529,291.72666 L 821.77751,293.22096 L 827.57853,291.53513 L 831.18615,297.54706 z " />
Antoine Holloman 202-699-2333
" d="M 801.75695,253.84384 L 800.67992,252.20717 L 799.66604,251.36463 L 800.7653,249.74841 L 802.99814,251.25941 L 801.75695,253.84384 z " /> AK AL AR AZ CA CO
Matthew Hill 203-577-8242
" transform="matrix(1.750021,0,0,1.520686,-1703.814,-1652.315)" d="m 1566.7925,1266.3573 a 21.316904,15.987679 0 1 1 -42.6338,0 21.316904,15.987679 0 1 1 42.6338,0 z" id="US-CT-Circle" style="opacity:0.75;fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:3;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-opacity:1;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-dashoffset:0" /> CT
Antoine Holloman 202-699-2333
" transform="matrix(1.750021,0,0,1.520686,-1703.814,-1414.949)" d="m 1566.7925,1266.3573 a 21.316904,15.987679 0 1 1 -42.6338,0 21.316904,15.987679 0 1 1 42.6338,0 z" id="US-DC-Circle" style="opacity:0.75;fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:3;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-opacity:1;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-dashoffset:0" /> DC
Ryan Lowe 302-893-3595
" transform="matrix(1.750021,0,0,1.520686,-1703.814,-1537.895)" d="m 1566.7925,1266.3573 a 21.316904,15.987679 0 1 1 -42.6338,0 21.316904,15.987679 0 1 1 42.6338,0 z" id="US-DE-Circle" style="opacity:0.75;fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:3;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-opacity:1;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-dashoffset:0" /> DE
Bruce Ballard 774-501-3464
" transform="matrix(1.750021,0,0,1.520686,-1703.814,-1762.51)" d="m 1566.7925,1266.3573 a 21.316904,15.987679 0 1 1 -42.6338,0 21.316904,15.987679 0 1 1 42.6338,0 z" id="US-MA-Circle" style="opacity:0.75;fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:3;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-opacity:1;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-dashoffset:0" /> MA
Jim Wurts 212-203-7124
Victor Russomanno 848-456-0747
" transform="matrix(1.750021,0,0,1.520686,-1703.814,-1596.459)" d="m 1566.7925,1266.3573 a 21.316904,15.987679 0 1 1 -42.6338,0 21.316904,15.987679 0 1 1 42.6338,0 z" id="US-NJ-Circle" style="opacity:0.75;fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:3;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-opacity:1;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-dashoffset:0" /> NJ
Zachary Mattera 401-271-1404
" transform="matrix(1.750021,0,0,1.520686,-1703.814,-1706.508)" d="m 1566.7925,1266.3573 a 21.316904,15.987679 0 1 1 -42.6338,0 21.316904,15.987679 0 1 1 42.6338,0 z" id="US-RI-Circle" style="opacity:0.75;fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:3;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-opacity:1;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-dashoffset:0" /> RI

Nearest Location

decontamination and biohazard cleaning services reviews
My partner and I recently moved to Eugene, and unfortunately our new garage was a bit of a disaster––the biggest problem was the rodent droppings, but it was just overall covered in dirt and cobwebs and general grossness. I contacted the Eugene Bio-One team for help cleaning out rodent droppings, and from the beginning, Erik was very responsive, helpful, informative, and kind. He offered to provide an estimate either through me sending photographs of the space/what needed cleaning or by coming out to take a look; I really appreciated the photograph option as it gave me more flexibility/less to worry about without having to schedule an in-person estimate. I unfortunately had to do a lot of back-and-forth as I needed to discuss with a few different parties before being able to commit, but Erik was always patient and never seemed even remotely annoyed or frustrated. When I was finally ready to schedule, he and his crew were able to come and help me out the next day. Erik kept me informed every step of the way, and even agreed to take a look at our attic for an estimate/opinion once they were done in the garage, as well, despite me completely forgetting to ask him if that was okay before they were actually there. And when they were done, our garage looked AMAZING! It practically sparkled it was so clean. All that dirt and grime and grossness was gone along with the rodent droppings, and for the first time since moving in I actually didn't feel gross being in the garage. I can't thank Erik and the Bio-One team enough for the incredible job they did, the peace of mind they have brought me and my partner, or the kindness and professionalism they have demonstrated throughout. If you're in the Eugene area and need a biohazard cleanup/decontamination crew, Erik and crew are the way to go.
Artemis Grey (Remi), Corvallis, 5/2023
decontamination and biohazard cleaning services reviews
Erik at Bio-One was extremely professional and easy to work with. He was efficient and stayed within his estimated time and price range. He was quick to fit us into his schedule and was great at staying in contact during the cleaning process to ask questions or keep me informed.
elissa smith, Springfield, 5/2023
decontamination and biohazard cleaning services reviews
I highly recommend Bio-One if you are in need if their services. This is a local family owned and operated business. The nature of the business means that people who call them are usually in a situation that is stressful and emotional. Erik’s calm and comforting demeanor helps takes the edge off. The communication throughout was great – Erik was clear about the scope of work and checked in with me during the project. The job was well done and the price was as estimated.
chris enright, Corvallis, 4/2023
decontamination and biohazard cleaning services reviews
Owen McGovern of Bio-One was very thorough and professional in addressing the clean up under our house. Owen is very courteous, was on time and answered all of our questions and concerns. By providing before and after photos there was no doubt to the work that was completed. Our home went up for sale shortly after Owen completed his work and needless to say the inspection went well. I am so pleased that we were fortunate enough to have Owen on the job. I highly recommend Bio One and would not hesitate to use their services again. Thank you so much Owen we truly appreciate the great work!
Robert G, Eugene, 7/2020
decontamination and biohazard cleaning services reviews
So fast so honest and if you’ve ever needed somebody like this in this industry, that’s what counts
sandy dillin, Salem, 4/2024
decontamination and biohazard cleaning services reviews
Erik was a lifesaver! He came within 2-3 hours of my call. He was very kind to my mother during a difficult time. He even made sure she had something to use when she was throwing up. Very professional and great with communication.
Tiphanie Bello, Eugene, 9/2022
decontamination and biohazard cleaning services reviews
Eric has been so helpful and professional when I needed him to clean up my rental apartment. I highly recommend him to anyone who is looking for Bio cleanup.
Ryan Rink, Albany, 4/2023
decontamination and biohazard cleaning services reviews
Great work, quick to show up and get the job done.
Summer Adams, Corvallis, 5/2023
decontamination and biohazard cleaning services reviews
Words can not express the gratitude I have for Erik. In my extreme time of need when everyone else was telling me no and that it would be 5-10 days before they could come to help, Erik didn’t skip a beat instantly telling me he was there to help and even made the 2 1/2 hour drive to make his words and reality. He showed up with a hug and a smile and can do attitude and helped me and my sister get through one of the most painful times of our lives. I can’t put into words or should I say I don’t have enough words to say how great this man is. Tom and Makala Schmidt
Tom Schmidt, Albany, 4/2023
decontamination and biohazard cleaning services reviews
Erik was amazing. He took on an intense job and did a fantastic job. He was kind and also great at communicating progress/ needs in an understanding timely way. In a moment when you are in a place where you need this help, there is no one better than Erik.
Marissa Harvey, Albany, 10/2023